Het hele jaar door organiseert Kitchen Republic interessante business gerelateerde events voor startende en groeiende voedselondernemers. We organiseren trainingen, workshops en 1-op-1 ontmoetingen zodat jij goed geïnformeerd en geïnspireerd verder kunt werken aan jouw bedrijf. Houd onze agenda in de gaten voor de laatste updates, workshops en sprekers.
Our Meet the Buyer sessions are designed to connect passionate food entrepreneurs with potential customers, buyers, and/or category managers. Monthly, we invite buyers from all different categories of the food scene, like supermarkets, online retailers, hotel chains, wholesale, restaurant owners, etc. These sessions offer exclusive sales opportunities, feedback, and/or professional connections that you won’t get anywhere else. In this session, we welcome Food Inspiration for a special Meet the Media session, which might result in online and print coverage and potential future collaborations, for example at the Food Inspiration Days.
About Food Inspiration
Food Inspiration is the online and offline inspiration platform for professionals in food and hospitality. They are there for professionals, decision makers and entrepreneurs in food service and food retail who want to grow, innovate and lead the way. They offer inspiration online by sharing inspiring stories, trends and developments in the free digital Food Inspiration Magazine, the Drink Inspiration Magazine, via daily content on www.foodinspiration.com and via social media. They are also active offline with the Food Inspiration trend magazine, the Food Inspiration Days, national and international trend tours, and more.
Who will you meet during this session?
Maaike de Reuver – Editor-in-chief of Food Inspiration, who regularly writes and gives presentations about food trends, companies and start-ups.
Requirements Food Inspiration
Maaike de Reuver is looking to meet the newest start-ups and innovations in the F&B industry.
KR’s requirements:
– Be a member of the KR Community
– Arrive on time, assets prepared (tasting materials/presentation documents prepped) and ready to pitch
– As space is limited and time precious, please understand that KR and the guest buyer will select the most relevant food companies to see during each session as it relates to the buyer/companies focus.
– You can also leave your product(s) behind for the buyer, Kitchen Republic will collect your feedback.
How does it work?
– We offer time slots of 10 minutes per company. This might sound short, but it’s definitely long enough to make a lasting impression.
– Applications for this MTB session will close on February 16. If selected, we will contact you the week prior with time slot details.